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Legal Action, Race-based Discrimination

AEF Unsuccessful in Challenge to Racial Preferences in College Admissions

In a 4-3 decision, the Supreme Court in Fisher v. University of Texas upheld the University of Texas’ practice of giving admission preferences based upon race and ethnicity. The Allied Educational Foundation and its partner in this case, Judicial Watch, argued that race-based admissions policies are irrational, destructive and are based on illegitimate racial theories.

The decision promotes the notion of racial inequality, is racially inflammatory and undermines the rule of law. We believe that preferences based on race are demeaning to non-whites and promotes the theory that non-whites need extra assistance to compete. That theory is not based on any viable study nor is it supported by showing a lack of current day opportunities which exist for all ethnic groups. Race and ethnicity disparity is a page of America’s past which should be put behind us by promoting educational and employment policies which provide a level playing field for all groups.

Discrimination based on race or ethnicity, in all its forms, is strongly opposed by the Foundation. We welcome your support in this mission. To donate to our legal causes, please visit our donation form.